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Selectmen's Minutes October 11, 2005

OCTOBER 11, 2005

Present:                William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup, Richard Leone
                        and Stephen White.

Also Present:   Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Others:         Randy Richards, Betty Ramspott, and Tony Bergeron.

7:00 PM – The meeting was called to order by Chairman Roach.


Betty Ramspott – MAAP Update:   Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Betty Ramspott addressed the Board.  She stated she was very grateful for the appreciation she has received from the current Board of Selectmen, as well as past Boards.  She also mentioned her appreciation for past Deputy Town Clerk, Eileen Stiles and present Deputy,  Melissa Heino.   She stated that with the support of these individuals, she was able to complete the Municipal Agent Automation Project.  B. Ramspott related that the program was much better and easier to operate.  On September 27, she attended a Celebrate Map event and felt honored to be invited.  At the celebration she received an Oscar award by Mr. Flynn of the DMV.  She was one of six that received the award.  The first phase is complete so that they can do registrations and titles.  The second phase will involve boat registrations, of which she is promoting to bring more revenue to Sunapee.  She wants to stick with the project to completion.  The Board thanked  B. Ramspott with a round of applause.  R. Leone asked about revenues received for boat registrations.  B. Ramspott stated that her department took in $6,600.00 in 2004.  She is aiming to hit $10,000.00.  B. Ramspott also informed the Board that her department can now do agricultural plates as well as farm plates.  E. Smith asked how the town could promote more boat registrations.  B. Ramspott stated she would be willing to put out flyers, posters and an ad in the local newspaper.  R. Leone suggested that she inform the marinas so they can pass the word along.  E. Smith suggested that posters be placed in the offices of the condo developments throughout  Sunapee.  The Board, again,  thanked B. Ramspott for the excellent service she has given to the community.  

Chris Domian – Northwest Lane

Mr. Domian met with the Board to discuss a request he sent in by letter to have Northwest Lane declared an emergency lane.  He related that there were 6 homes on the lane, of which 4 are year round residences.  He added that Melody Lane, which was accepted as an emergency lane, has 4 year round residences.  His request is based on the fact that he is concerned that the road be maintained so that it may be used by emergency vehicles.  S. White asked where the snow might be pushed and a turn around provided.  Mr. Domian thought maybe the Rox property might be a possibility.  The length of Northwest Lane is approximately 300 feet.  R. Leone asked what preparations needed to be made to the road.  Mr. Domian referred this question to Road Agent, Tony Bergeron.  T. Bergeron  stated that the road was in sad shape.  It is very narrow and the first 100 feet are washed out.  He added that he did not know where they would be able to turn a plow truck around.  At the present time, the road is maintained by a private individual of whom the residents all chip in to pay.  When asked about past maintenance of this road, T. Bergeron informed the Board that the only time he did anything on the road was during an ice storm and he provided sand so the residents could get out.  He also added that in the road’s present condition, he would not put a plow truck there to plow.   R. Leone asked Mr. Domian if the postal service delivered main on the lane and the response was that they did not.  Mr. Domian added that the daily newspaper is not delivered to the individual homes, but has to be picked up at the end of the road.  R. Leone stated that he would like to obtain more information, especially with regard to a turn around for the plow trucks.  He feels that the Board needs good justification before approving the road as an emergency lane.  S. White stated that he understood the need of the residents on the road, but the town has not provided any maintenance in the past as they had on the recently named emergency lanes.  He suggested that Mr. Domian speak with the other home owners to arrive at a solution.  W. Roach stated that he felt the Board should take this under advisement and have further discussions with the Road Agent.  
The Board will get back to Mr. Domian with a response.

Randy Richards

Randy Richards reported on the Upper Valley Land Trust and wished to inform the Board that the UVLSRPC will be sponsoring a meeting on October 25 at the Colby gym to discuss growth in the valley.  He recommended that Planning Board and Conservation Committee members should be advised.  S. White is attending as Selectmen’s Representative to the UVLSRPC.

Miscellaneous Discussion

R. Leone asked T. Bergeron for  a brief description of any damage caused by the recent flooding.  T. Bergeron stated that the town received approximately 7 ½ inches of rain.   This is the most he has seen.  He and other employees were out for 4 to 5 hours Saturday evening into Monday morning.  The worst hit was Young’s Hill Road.  The catch basins were getting clogged.  Also hit was the John Paul Flat area.   D. Nashawaty reported that she had spoken with Emergency Management Director, Howard Sargent, and was told that the fire department put 5 hours of labor into the storm as did the police.  It is possible that the town had $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 charged in labor.  

Northwest Lane

Discussion returned to Northwest Lane.  W. Roach stated that he might consider naming it an emergency lane if it were fixed up to standards and a turn around constructed.  S. White stated that he felt a letter should be sent to Mr. Domian informing him that the road does not meet requirements.  T. Bergeron added that taking over maintenance of this road would place a financial burden on the Town whereas the other roads named emergency lanes did not as they were already being maintained.  Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to have the Town Manager write a letter to Chris Domian stating that the road does not meet the criteria as a town highway and will not be considered to be named an emergency lane.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

At this time, Stephen White stated that he feels the Board is very fortunate to have such fine employees as Betty Ramspott and Tony Bergeron.  The other members agreed.


A.  D. Nashawaty asked the Selectmen to sign the MS1, which is used to set the tax rate.  He added that she will attempt to get an appointment soon with the DRA to set the 2005 rate.   The figures on the form can be amended at the rate setting meeting should the assessor come up with some corrections in assessments.

B.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the audit for 2004 was completed.  The fund balance is $823,000.00.

C.  With regard to the proposed 2006 budgets, D. Nashawaty has sent out emails to all departments in an attempt to firm up dates.  Meetings will be set up to meet with more than one department each time.  She anticipates 6 meetings and has suggested Monday or Tuesday, 6 PM to 8 PM.  She will report back to the Board when the times and dates are established.  She would like to begin the last week in October.

D.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that employee Karen McCollough will not be able to work as she had to have surgery.  It is anticipated that she may be out for as long as 6 weeks.

E.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board  that the Water and Sewer Commissioners have agreed to assist with labor in installing the new water line for the Safety Services Building.   She, T. Bergeron and D. Bailey will meet with the commissioners soon to discuss the project.

F.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that part time police officer, Richard Kelly, has resigned his position.  She will contact the Town Attorney to discuss the letter of resignation.  

G.  N. Nashawaty read a letter from Tony Clark 277 Seven Hearths Road asking permission from the Selectmen to cut five trees on town property.  They stated the purpose was so they could get a good view of the lake.  The Board agreed not to allow the trees to be cut.

H.  D. Nashawaty read a notice to the Board announcing the dedication of a bench at the ball field to Jack Milewski.  This will be held Saturday, October 22 at noon.  The youth soccer ceremony is also scheduled for that day.

I.  The Selectmen and D. Nashawaty reviewed the county budget.  R. Leone questioned the $223,500 that appears as a Capital Reserve and wonders where it was spent and what for.  The County Commissioners had stated that they would present a level funded budget but several increases were noted.  R.  Leone would like to invite the Commissioners to a Selectmen’s meeting in the near future to explain the various budget items and what their purpose is.  Motion was made by Stephen White to have the Town Manager write a letter to the County Manager to ask him to attend a Selectmen’s meeting to explain the County budget proposal.  The motion was seconded by Emma White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

J.  D. Nashawaty read to the Board a letter addressed to W. Roach from Harry Gale.  The letter puts forth 3 proposals.  A copy of the letter is attached to the file copy of the minutes.  Proposal #1 asks that the Selectmen place an article on the warrant in 2006 to out forth the question “Do you wish to secede from Sullivan County?”  F. Gallup thought that the Board should do this.  The other members agreed and  asked D. Nashawaty to word an article for submission.

Proposal #2 asks that the Board appoint a subcommittee to meet with H. Gale and the Town Manager to try to resolve differences.  The Board agreed to not appoint a subcommittee because they do not feel there is anything further to discuss and would only confuse the issue further.

Proposal #3 asks that the Board support the LSR filings H. Gale has submitted.  However, the Board discovered that H. Gale put on hold the Board’s 2% disparity bill because he has submitted a similar bill and does not like to put in like bills.  
The  Board did not think that H. Gale’s bill and the Board’s were similar in the least.  The Board agreed to direct  D. Nashawaty write to H. Gale respectfully asking him to withdraw his bill and to support the Board’s  2% bill as  this  bill is far more beneficial to Sunapee than H. Gale’s.  Also, the Board would like H. Gale’s support on the bill which would force the County into being accountable to the Town from which it collects taxes.  If H. Gale refuses to do this, then the bill can be amended on the floor.   

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the Meredith Town Manager and Representative from Lincoln who attended the Meredith meeting, the Representative was a little leery to jump on the band wagon without further meetings.  She explained to him that time was of the essence and the Board did not want to have to wait another year before trying to resolve the issue.  This will be reviewed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

At 9:35 PM Stephen White moved to adjourn the meeting.  Emma Smith seconded the motion.   The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Submitted by:   Darlene Morse                   Approved__________________

___________________________                     __________________________
William Roach,  Chairman                                            Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

___________________________                     __________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White